Compliance Charter
4. Relationships Between Employees
and the Company
1.Creating positive work environments
- We shall work with each other to appropriately manage working hours and ensure greater stability in health and safety management to create positive work environments, to the end of maintaining and improving physical and mental health and to bring about better company lives for employees.
- We shall not tolerate any violation of human rights in any situation, including acts of harassment, and we shall respect individual diversity, be considerate of each other, and aim to create an organization that is brimming with teamwork.
- We shall respect the privacy of our employees and shall not collect personal information beyond the scope necessary for our business without their consent. Employee personal information shall be handled properly and protected in accordance with laws and regulations.
2.Preservation of company assets and information, etc.
- We shall properly manage the company’s buildings, facilities, equipment, and other assets in accordance with established rules, and use them only for the purpose of corporate activities.
- We shall properly manage the company’s confidential information in accordance with established rules. We shall handle confidential information possessed by the company, including that of outside parties, appropriately to prevent leakage,
with full awareness of the rights relationship and value of said information.
3.Prohibition of conflicts of interest
- We shall carry out company business with integrity and shall not engage in any conduct that is contrary to the interests of the company or that may damage the company’s reputation or credibility. We shall keep private matters clear and distinct from company matters, and we shall not harm the interests of the company for personal purposes.